Friday, March 21, 2014

What gives a HOME added VALUE??? by David Gonzalez, Realtor


What gives a HOME added VALUE???

David Gonzalez (909) 941-8379

As you shop for a home, keep in mind these characteristics: not only should it be good to live in now but have greater equity in the future.(making it easier to sell)

The right size
(Not just the right size for you, but for the majority of the population)
~Look for a minimum of three bedrooms and a maximum of four. Two bedrooms tend to cater to singles, or couples who do not intend to have children or sell, and homes with five bedrooms or more cater to those who have a healthy number of children, or plan on having them in the near future. That makes three- and four-bedroom homes the perfect size for the majority of the population, with three bedrooms being ideal.
~Number of bathrooms, 1-1/2 or 2 will make the home more desirable than just one. 
~Square footage is important, but not quite as much as the number of bedrooms.

Important key ~A home should be comfortable and efficient for the majority of the home-buying population.

Curb appeal 
This is the general attractiveness of a house or other piece of property from the sidewalk. This term is often used by Realitors trying to sell or evaluate a piece of property.

Good structure
When it comes to buying a home, you want to avoid major structural issues that will cost you big money to fix or will diminish your leverage when it’s time to sell if you haven’t fixed them
~Foundational issues such as cracks in the walls.
~Termite issue
~Mold, water damage
~Electrical or plumming

Easy-to-improve internal aesthetics that add VALUE to A HOME
~Add nice, modern-looking light fixtures
~Add fresh earth-tone pain
~Replace beat-up light switch cover 
~Re-finish hardwood floors
~Replace linoleum with tile
~Add a backsplash in the kitchen
Good school district 
Even if you never plan on having children, it is important to look within areas that have a reputation for having good schools. If not for your kids, for the kids of the people buying your house from you.

Lic# 01312593

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